The photographic medium imposes hard restrictions on the artist. While the photographer has some control of what to show and what not to show (through theme, frame selection and cropping), and how to show it (capture style, editing, lens, angles, etc), she is bound by the technical limitations of photography. Reflective surfaces offer a way out of this creative bind by allowing new angles, multiple viewing planes and optical distortion. This collection of works explores some of these possibilities and presents images primarily in modular squares that in a visual manner “reflect” one another’s themes. The pieces are placed in such a way that the viewer may discover visual possibilities as intended by the artist but also find his own.
Reflections can be liberating for the photographer, offering visual possibilities beyond the traditional limitations of the medium. This collection explores these possibilities within and between frames.
Magnolia Theater, Dallas
Building, San Francisco
Building II, San Francisco
Black Marble, San Francisco
Black Marble II, San Francisco
Tucker, Healdsburg
Union Square, SF
Healdsburg Car I
Healdsburg Car II
Healdsburg Lines I
Healdsburg Lines II
Court I
Court II
Court III
Flare I
Flare II
USA Construction I
USA Construction II
Cable Car Ride
Wine Glass I
Wine Glass II
Marine Triangulations
UPS Truck
San Francisco Nights I
San Francisco Nights II
Crescent Light I
Crescent Light II
World Fair Prism
Coffee Shop Chair I
Coffee Shop Chair II
Deep Ellum Cords I
Deep Ellum Cords II
Dallas Cattle Drive
Reunion Reflection
Mockingbird Reflection
Waiting for a Train
Mockingbird Station
American Airlines Center